HOA Information

Fair Woods is a professionally managed community with the cost of trash, recycling, lawn, and snow services included in the monthly Home Owner Association dues.

Fair Woods elects a five-to-seven member, volunteer Board of Trustees and maintains an dynamic  HOA membership providing a range of opportunities for the community to participate in activities ranging from a Springtime community-wide clean-up and an annual HOA-sponsored yard sale to member representation in the Sully District Council.

See the links to the left for information on how you can pay HOA dues online or register for direct withdrawal for your dues; important information on HOA bylaws and regulations, including our Welcome Book, Covenent and Restrictions, Parking Regulations, and Trash and Recycling; and Community Links for our district and county.

We welcome all community members at the monthly Board meetings. See the home page for the schedule.

Contact Information

To contact Fair Woods Homeowners Association, please email Larry Gilbert (lgilbert@sequoiamgmt.com)

Trash Violation?

If you see a trash violation, please email our service management company. Please provide as much information as possible: either an address or a section of addresses (e.g., 13150-13158).


If you or a visitor has been towed, contact Battlefield Towing at 703-378-0059. Battlefield will also provide services to residents (on Fair Woods property only), including jump-starts, tire changes, and unlocking doors.

FWHOA Email List

Receive emails from the Fair Woods HOA informing you about Board meetings, upcoming events, and other important news. Please sign up for CINC Web access  by reaching out to Larry Gilbert (lgilbert@sequoiamanagement.com)